Thursday, May 28, 2009

My First Official Work Out

I'm a really boring blogger - I know that but I am trying to stick with this for me. After the kids had their first swimming lesson the other day, I then did my own little work out. It was harder than I thought to get back on the horse but it felt good too. At least I got started. It's a start.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Took a Big Step

I joined the YMCA. I was a member a year ago but for a variety of reasons, it wasn't working. But I am hoping this time will be different. I'm hoping to get the kids into swimming lessons and me back into working out. Wish me luck.

Friday, May 15, 2009

OK, time to make a move. I need get going on a plan. It thought about joining Jenny Craig as a way to jump-start my weight loss. It is expensive but I figured if I did it for 6 weeks maybe I could lose some weight quickly and then feel motivated. The first time I gained weight, back in 1993, I went on Jenny Craig and lost 25 lbs. in about 10 weeks. It was great but then as soon as I went off, I quickly started gaining it back almost immediately. Also, I don’t want to be eating different food from the family. I want us all to be eating as healthy as we can. I want to be setting a good example and I don’t think I can do that by eating out of little boxes. So Jenny Craig is out.

Instead I am thinking of going back to the YMCA. What I really need to do is exercise more and that is one place I can do it with the kids is the Y. I tried joining a year ago but there was too much going on and it didn’t work. Let’s see how this goes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I want to start being a nicer person. I'm not a horrible monster but I know I could be a more considerate person so for the past few days I have been concentrating on doing nice things for others. And it feels good.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day - How lucky am I to have these two beautiful children in my life? So very lucky.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I put in earrings. A small thing but every since I used some of First Communion money to get my ears pierced, I have worn earrings. I wouldn't call myself prissy but I like to feel put together. At some point when I was pregnant I stopped wearing them and then once my kiddos were born I was worried the one would fall out and they would eat it. Suddenly, I didn't wear earrings any longer and it just wasn't "me". So today I put them back in. Just simple diamond studs. A small, perhaps insignificant step but a step back to me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ok, so what now. Do I set some goals? Do I try to figure out how I got here? How did I get here? I lost most of my pregnancy weight by a few weeks postpartum but now it is all back. This is not who I want to be. I want to be thin, healthy, vibrant. That can't be too much to ask from life. How can I get there? I need a plan. Do I start with a diet? Join a gym? Try to get inspired? I think I need to start by documenting where I am. I need to take some pictures and measurements. I need to know where I am starting from, no matter how difficult it might be to face.


1. a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.

2. a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.

3. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

4. a form resulting from any such change.

I looked in the mirror today and decided it was time for a change. I hardly recognize myself. I always said I would be 40 and fabulous but here I am, heading toward 41 and looking and feeling much more frumpy than fabulous. I glance in the mirror and see remnants of “me” hiding in there. I'm still breathing so I know I still exist. I simply need to find a way to transform this mama back into the person I know I am. Please join me as I document my own personal metamorphosis.